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SingleShot Misc

Image Size 26x39cm | Edition of 100 | Prices: Image only £95 ...and Archivally mounted £115 ...and Fully Framed £175

Another shot made at the Littlehampton Harbour Park - just a few metres from the previous one, as it happens - but whilst the previous image, "A Dream of Horses", makes a virtue of sparcity, this one revells in including what that one omitted.

In this case camera tilt is used to give the dominant straight line of the image - the metal edge of the close-at-hand display case - a more dynamic diagonal orientation. (Which Chris, incidently, doesn't try to rationalise, believing it to be an instinctive thing. "It just looked right that way in the viewfinder to me").

Oh, for the record: the statue is of Billy Smart, he of the circus - a presence explained by the fact that the Smart dynasty's current generation now owns the park.