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At Chanctonbury Ring

Panoramic Landscapes

Image Size 40x117cm | Edition of 50 | Prices: Image only £330 ...and Archivally mounted £375 ...and Fully Framed £495

360° images can do strange things. Particularly striking is the way that, because of the all-round view, different sections of an image will, of neccessity, have the light coming from different directions. This is especially noticable with these sunlit trees at the iron age hillfort of Chanctonbury Ring (On the Sussex South Downs near the village of Washington):

At the left they are silhouetted against the sun (with the skinny tree's shadow directly approaching the camera); whereas to the right they are in full sunlight (and with the shadow of the same skinny tree's crown receeding up the hill!)

[NB. This image was particularly cited when Professional Photographer Magazine name Chris Ledger their "Professional Landscape Photographer of the Year in Jan 2008].