
London Exhibition: 11-14 March
The Battersea Affordable Arts Fair opened on Thursday. As last year, Chris is showing with the Bill Philip Gallery. NB. This show is now closed. Many thanks to our many new clients.

       Collection relaunch (err... again)
Following client feedback, the new Panoramic Cityscapes pages have been rejigged to work better for smaller resolution screens. We've also integrated each panoramic image's "Whole Image" and "Detail Demo"* views more effectively. We think to much better effect. (See right for a reduced size impression).

While we were at it we also improved the ordering process too. (Check out the "Purchase Enquiry" link when viewing an image).

19th March Update: We've been busy. Not only are Panoramic Landscapes and Panoramic Townscapes also now live in the new format; a new look Splash page, completely new Home page, updated Sales pages and Screen Resolution guide have joined the mix too.

* NB. In a few cases an individual Detail Demo square might be of a very small section of the image and, consequently, may - depending on the screen resolution you have set - display on your screen even larger than it appears on the Limited Edition image.

New Images:
Despite the intensive work going into the actual website layout this month, we still have news of two new panoramas.

"Weather Front, South Downs", showing here, is the first landscape panorama for a little while and is a good illustration of the way that the line of the South Downs can act as a surprisingly effective weather barrier, with sunshine and blue skies to one side and thunderous clouds and rain to the other - despite the very modest height of the hills.

The just-completed image has joined the above-mentioned Panoramic Landscapes collection.

The other new one, "The Thames Embankment at Tower Bridge", is now on page two of Panoramic Cityscapes.

NB. The upcoming new Trafalgar Square panorama reported at length on the News: Jan 2010 page, is proving something of an epic. We gather that after months of work on its fine details Chris has started making more major alterations again. eg. The figure with the tripod in the right side foreground has been culled completely apparently... More anon.