
New Images:
This month we are featuring a couple of new landscape images made on the chalk slopes of Highdown Gardens, near Worthing - and of a rather longer proportion than those featured in the panoramic collections to date.

In the first case, shown above, the ratio is 2:7. As this translates as 40x140cm we have finally decided to bite the bullet and create a whole new limited edition size to accomodate it.

In fact the image contains rather more than the small-sized reproduction here can show. Please see the image's new collection "detail demo" here for an illustration. Oh yes, we are calling it "Oh To Be In England". (With apologies to Robert Browning).

The other case is more extreme as it's ratio is 1:5. This would require a 2 metre long image at the regular 40cm height so this joins the long-awaited Trafalgar Square image in being in need of an alternative framing approach. We are investigating this. In the meantime here is a small scale representation - although Chris has remarked that "It's probably one that will need to be seen in the flesh, rather than on the website, as the detail - with some pretty spectacular light - is particularly luminous".







 The image is still in post production at the moment. We'll bring you some closer details next month. 

Bio update:
Following a re-write as part of a submission to a new gallery the Bio page has had a bit of an overhaul.